Don’t Fix These 5 Things When Selling Your House

It’s no secret that a home in a good condition sells quickly and possibly at a good price. However, there are several common mistakes that sellers often make when preparing a home for sale. These include things like ignoring needed repairs or investing in upgrades that don’t add value to the home.

Here are the five common upgrades you shouldn’t bother with if you want to sell your house quickly and for a good profit:

1. Cosmetic Flaws

Cosmetic issues like scratched walls, chipped tiles, or dingy floors may seem like a major concern, but they often don’t reduce a home’s value during appraisals. These small cosmetic issues can often be overlooked or not even be noticed at all by buyers. Instead of investing time and money in fixing them, it’s better to leave them and let buyers pay for the upgrades themselves.

2. Minor Electrical Issues

Minor electrical issues like dimmer switches, broken receptacles or flaky light fixtures may seem like a big deal to you. However, they aren’t usually going to be noticed by potential buyers. Most buyers will just want to know if the switches are working. So unless your house is missing a major appliance like an air conditioner or a room is in total darkness, these minor electrical issues aren’t going to be deal breakers for buyers.

3. Driveway or Walkway Cracks

If your driveway or walkway is cracked, don’t worry too much about it. These types of issues are barely noticeable and can be fixed relatively easily with a new layer of asphalt by the incoming homebuyer. Depending on the size and depth of the cracks, it’ll cost them between $3 to $15 per square foot.

4. Bringing Everything Up to Current Building Code

Building codes evolve over time, and many homeowners aren’t aware of the new requirements. Even if they knew, it still wouldn’t make sense to bring your home up-to-date because it’s pretty expensive. For example, it costs about $9,000 to bring a home back up to the current electrical code with a return on investment of $0.

5. Upgrading Removable Items

If something is removable, like a window treatment, sometimes you’re better off getting rid of it rather than replacing it. For example, replacing window treatments may cost you an average of $799, yet it’s not a guarantee that they’ll impress potential buyers, making it an unnecessary expenditure.

Work With an Experienced Real Estate Agent to Sell Your Home!

If you want to sell your home, work with a real estate agent to help you consider upgrades that’ll attract buyers and increase the value of your property by a big margin. The agent can also help you find suitable buyers and help negotiate with them on your behalf so that you can get good returns. Contact Camden Mckay Realty at (909) 841-0243 today for the best services!

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